Who uses Meeva

Our solution is a support tool for girls and boys aged 10+ which should be used with the supervision of an appropriately trained professional. Our aim is to propose a blended approach to therapeutic journeys which combines traditional in presence sessions with Virtual Reality based sessions held from remote.

Increase adherence

skills improvement

Immersive adventures

Play from everywhere

A blended approach that encompass in presence and remote-based sessions

Assessment made easy

Simplified assessment by the professional through a dashboard giving access to key session metrics

Boost providers

Boost providers’ geographical reach and scalability by optimising their operations

Innovative approach

Expose your children to compelling activities complementing traditional approaches

At your fingertip

Alleviate the burden of long and expensive journeys to Healthcare providers

Best quality

Facilitate the option to choose best quality Healthcare providers across your Country

Discover more about Meeva

Providers Meeva is collaborating with

